Digital | Web | Print | Squarespace | Marketing

terms & conditions

Terms & Conditions

Please read through our Terms and Conditions, we ask that you do not use our website or service until you have familiarised yourself with them. If you are using or have used our service it is understood that you have agreed to the terms set forth on this page. When we say "We" “Andrew Boddy Design” "us", "our" and "our service" we are referring to Andrew Boddy Design Pty Ltd as trustee for the Boddy Family Trust and its respective products and services. References to "you" "your" "customer" "client" and the like, refer to you, and your agents. These Terms and Conditions can change at any time. It is important that you check back here regularly. Your continued use of this website implies acceptance of any subsequent revisions.

Our Code of Practice

Our clients and our reputation as a business are important to us and critical to our success.

As such, Andrew Boddy Design undertakes to be fair and reasonable in our dealings with all our clients and to provide a quality product at a fair cost commensurate with the time taken and expertise employed. We aim to execute the work in a timely fashion and will endeavour to meet your deadlines where possible. Should any dispute arise, we hope to be able to resolve this through negotiation.

The above statement notwithstanding, the following terms apply to all projects undertaken.

Website Project Payment

Payment for our website projects is made over three stages:

Stage 1: Prior to commencing work we must receive a 35% deposit of the estimate for your website project.

Stage 2: Upon delivery of the first draft of your website, we will issue another invoice for 35%, payable immediately.

Stage 3: Once the site is practically complete and handed over to you, the final balance on your website is due for immediate payment. 

The website will in all likelihood be live* at Stage 3, if you have provided all URL details and have requested it to go live*.

But if should you choose to delay launch of your website, when your website site is otherwise ready for launch, the final balance is still due.

* Live is defined as visible to the public via the internet.

Andrew Boddy Design's financial liability is limited to the amount paid by the customer to Andrew Boddy Design for work undertaken.

Other Project Payment

For other non website projects, deposit and milestone payments may be required. We will inform you at the time of estimate.

Project Delays or Abandonment

Project Delays

If the website or other project can not be completed due to substantial delays* in the provision of content or approval by you the client, the final balance invoice will be issued 2 weeks after a final notice in writing from Andrew Boddy Design that the required content must be supplied by you to finalise.

*Substantial delays are defined as one calendar month, after the content was initially requested.

Project Abandonment

If you choose not to finish or are unable to finish the project or website for any reason, once the project is otherwise complete except for content required or approval to be supplied by you, the final balance is still payable by you.

If at a later date, if you wish to restart the project, this would undertaken at the discretion of Andrew Boddy Design and may be subject to further costs, based on time taken to action your requests.

On Going Website Maintenance

At website handover, we provide a lesson of up to one hour, usually by telephone.
Covered in the handover lesson is basic maintenance of the website.

After this handover, Andrew Boddy Design is happy to undertake any maintenance or additions required going forward and will quote the work accordingly.

Squarespace does have an extensive library of ‘how to videos’ and we encourage clients to learn how to maintain their own sites.

Should you wish a refresher lesson on Squarespace, we would be happy undertake this and will quote accordingly.

Refund Policy

Refund Policy on Website Projects

Prior to work commencing:

You will be eligible for a complete refund of the deposit paid, if no work has commenced on your project from when we receive payment of your deposit, to when we receive notice in writing that you are cancelling your website project and request a refund.

Once work has commenced:

Once we have commenced work on your project a partial refund may be available to you. Any request for a refund, or partial refund, must be made in writing. Your refund will be calculated by deducting costs associated with work undertaken by Andrew Boddy Design (charged at our current hourly rate) and/or expenses incurred by Andrew Boddy Design relating to your project up to the date of cancellation. We will provide you with a ledger of work completed, and/or expenses incurred, to justify the refund (if applicable) you will be paid.

Work undertaken on your project may include, but is not limited to; contact between yourself and Andrew Boddy Design, research undertaken, any setting up of the project undertaken on Squarespace, by Andrew Boddy Design for your project, the sourcing of imagery for your project, time spent on strategy for your website, expenses incurred may include the purchase of stock imagery, the purchase of third party technology products and/or services for your project as well as other, reasonably incurred expenses in building your website.

Printed Projects

All care is taken in setting up printed projects. However due to the irreversible nature of printing, all printed projects must be signed off as correct to ‘go to press’ by you the client. In doing so, you take responsibility for the correctness of the information in the print artwork.
Andrew Boddy Design bares no responsibility for costs incurred due to errors in the artwork.


Andrew Boddy Design, bears no responsibiity or liability for any of the content published on your website, including copyright infringement or legal action that might occur from the publishing of any content whatsoever on your website.

Andrew Boddy Design, accepts no responsibiity for any damage caused by delays in the production of the website.

Andrew Boddy Design undertakes to provide a website that functions perfectly at the time of launch. It needs to be noted however that Squarespace TM, connected technologies and online legal requirements do change quickly and without notice. This ‘may’ result in maintenance being required to keep the site functioning and up to date, and ‘could’ incur cost at that time should it be required.